
Architectural Record


Washington Post

New York Times

Architects’ Journal

RIBA Journal

Architecture Today

Building Design


Glasgow Herald

The Scotsman

Contemporary Glasgow – The Architecture of the 1990’s

Scottish Architecture 2000 – 2002 


“The architect had a lot of freedom to create something that I am very happy to call a work of art. We didn’t imagine you could create such a beautiful building with such prosaic functions”. Professor Michael Farthing, Executive Dean of Medicine, University of Glasgow Medical School. 

“The Wolfson demonstrates superbly how design for the education sector can be beautiful as well as functional. It has been created to allow for new methods of medical teaching, but also provides a fitting landmark for Glasgow’s 550th anniversary this year.” judges statement from the Better Public Building Prime Minister’s Award citation.

“Unpretentious, one off, well considered building establishing a distinctive landmark for the Medical School’s new center of excellence”. A model of its kind.” judges’ comments from the BCIA Building of the Year Award.

“The visiting judges felt that it was an exquisitely conceived and executed piece of contemporary contextualism” – judges’ comments from the Civic Trust Awards.

“A superb new building on a highly visible gushet site. Accommodating new methods of medical teaching, the building was created not only to respond to a detailed brief from the Medical Faculty but to create a new icon for Glasgow’s West End, something it has undoubtedly achieved”judges’ statement from the Dynamic Place Award.

“This is a well-considered response by Reiach and Hall to a prominent triangular site in Glasgow.” judges’ statement from the RIBA Awards.

“I know these designs are only suggestions, but we have been asked to comment on them. When we are offered one that is so Scottish in its concept, so practical in its particulars, so dramatic in its appearance, and, to crown it all, is from a Scottish consortium, why need we look further?” The Countess of Rosebery in a letter to The Scotsman commenting on Rafael Vinoly Architects (New York City) and Reiach and Hall Architects (Edinburgh) competition entry for The Scottish Parliament Building. 

“Mr. Steel is an excellent designer who works with intelligence and practicality. His knowledge of construction results in realistic solutions that support innovative ideas.” Jay Bargmann AIA NCARB, Vice President, Rafael Vinoly Architects. 

“Robert is a skilled and talented architect with a very “hands on” approach to the making of architecture. He is equally comfortable and confident in undertaking conceptual design, solving complex detail problems in an elegant and practical manner to dealing with day-to-day management, cost control and contract administration issues which are integral to all construction projects”. David P Talley, Senior Facilities Officer, Science Department, Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

“Robert’s hands on approach to problem solving, his design and technical ability, diligence, caring, steady guidance, and positive attitude infused the entire team with confidence needed to execute a sometimes-daunting project”. - Brian Knode, Project Director, The Mark Winkler Company, Owner’s Representative for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

“I personally worked with Robert in his role as Senior Designer on 3 projects, and greatly admired the commitment, focus and intelligence he brought to the work. He is equally adept at conceptual design and development, design detailing and project management and seems to have a limitless capacity for work. Robert brings skill and passion to the work and can quickly move back and forth between intuition and analysis.” Dennis McFadden FAIA, Design Principal, CO Architects.

“Simply put, Robert is talented, devoted, extremely hard working and sensitive – a quintessential complete architect.” Paul Zajfen FAIA, Design Principal, CO Architects.